COMMUNITY TIRE COLLECTION  Saturday, October 5, 2019


Saturday, October 5, 2019 – 9 AM to 12 Noon 

Ambridge Borough Building 600 11th Street, Ambridge PA 15003 

Need to get rid of tires or wheels from your car or light truck

Bring them to the Ambridge Tire Round-up! 

Size:   Your cost to dispose: Up to 18″ off rim 

$3 each Up to 18″ on rim 

$5 each Over 18″ off rim 

$5 each Over 18″ on rim 

$10 each Tractor trailer up to 22.5″ (no rims please) $20 each Farm tractor rear, up to 75 lbs. 

$20 each Farm tractor rear, 75 to 150 lbs. 

$40 each Farm tractor rear, over 150 lbs. 

$75 eac

Proof of residency not required. Individuals and small businesses welcome. No limit to the number of tires you may bring. 

Checks accepted with ID. 

No early birds please

Sponsored by the Independence Conservancy, Ambridge Borough 

and the Committee to Clean & Beautify Ambridge