The Best of Beaver County with Jim Roddey was all about current and future development in the area

Pat Nardelli, President of Castlebrook Development.
(Photo by Frank Sparks WBVP/WMBA Staffer)

(Beaver County, PA) The Best of Beaver County is easy to discover; it’s right on your radio!  Tune in every Thursday from 11 to 11:30 A.M.  for “The Best of Beaver County”, an innovative radio program on WBVP and WMBA presented by St. Barnabas. The show is hosted by Jim Roddey and is dedicated to shining light on the great things going on right here in local neighborhoods, and the people that are making it happen.  Find out what all the buzz is about by joining “The Best Of Beaver County”. This week’s guests were Pat Nardelli, President of Castlebrook Development and  Chris Heck, President/CEO of the Airport area Chamber of Commerce.

Jim Roddey and Pat Nardelli on “The Best of Beaver County”
(Photo by Frank Sparks, WBVP/WMBA Staffer)

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