The Best of Beaver County with Jim Roddey has a healthy familiar day

(Beaver Falls, Pa.) The Best of Beaver County is easy to discover; it’s right on your radio!  Tune in every Thursday from 11 to 11:30 A.M.  for “The Best of Beaver County”, an innovative radio program on 1230 WBVP and 1460 WMBA presented by St. Barnabas. The show is hosted by Jim Roddey and is dedicated to shining light on the great things going on right here in local neighborhoods, and the people that are making it happen.  Jim’s guests this week were Josh Wilsey from Nursing ABC and a voice familiar to the Beaver County Radio listeners, Chris Shovlin.


In the first segment Mr. Roddey and Josh spoke Nursing ABC which is an online nursing school. The pair talked about the need for nurses and how easy it is to go to nursing school while you still maintain your normal life. Nursing ABC is a total online school that is based out of Chippewa Pa.


In the second segment Mr. Roddey spoke with broadcasting legend Chris Shovlin who worked for Beaver County Radio early in his career. The two spoke about Chris’ career, sports, and Lincoln Park.

A live video stream of this week’s edition of  “The Best Of Beaver County” can be viewed on the WBVP-WMBA Facebook page, plus the radio broadcast will be replayed each Sunday from 11:30 am to Noon on Beaver County Radio….

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