Dino Capistrani, Concordia Visting Nurses on Teleforum with Frank Sparks Friday October 19, 2018

Dino Capistrani, Marketing Director for Concordia Visiting Nurses made his monthly appearance on Teleforum with Frank Sparks, Friday October 19, 2018.

The Topic this month was C.O.P.D. and exercise. Is it an oxymoron?. Dino discussed what exactly is C.O.P.D. and why exercise is a good thing if you have C.O.P.D. In exercise Dino doesn’t mean hard core exercise but something as simple as arm raising exercise or even singing .

Dino told the listeners about a special program that Concordia has to help people with C.O.P.D. . Dino explained that you have to have a standing order from a doctor to utilize  the Concordia Visiting Nurses program. Capistrani also advised the listeners before you do anything you should consult your Physician just like you would before you would start anything new if you have health care issues.

You can hear Dino’s Interview Below by pressing the play button below…..


Dino told the listeners that Concordia Visiting Nurses are also always looking for qualified individuals to join their staff.  You can listen to the whole interview by clicking the play button below…..